We are surrounded by nature....even in the centre of the largest city you can always find signs of nature
Being in nature can instantly reduce stress and anxiety. Research suggests that we are naturally programmed to be engrossed by nature so it can distract us from any negative emotions we maybe feeling
Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones, this in turn can improve your immunity levels heart
Why not start this weekend? In the UK we are so lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful forest and countryside. Even during lockdown the National Trust and English Heritage still have most of their parks, sites, gardens and countryside open for local people to enjoy.
If you’re not lucky enough to have a park nearby enjoy a local walk looking for trees and wildlife. If all else fails there’s research to prove that simple house plants and desk plants can aid stress reduction too